The magic finger


Ljudboken finns att lyssna på längre ner på sidan.  Sidan 12 börjar på 2,50.

Ljudboken är bara sid 7 – 15.

1.) Read page 7 – 11 and answer the questions:

• Who are the Gregg family?

• What is a farm?

• Who is Mrs Winter?

• Why did she put her magic finger on Mrs Winter?

2.) Read page 12 – 15and answer the questions:

  • What happens to Mrs Winter? Describe

• What happens to the girls finger?



3.) Read page 16-25 and answer the questions:

• How many birds did they shoot?

• Why couldn’t they shoot the last four birds?

• What kind of birds are they shooting?

• Describe what happened to the Gregg family.


Read page 26-33 and answer the questions:

• What is a nest?

• Living in a tree. Benefits? Disadvantages?


Read page 34-47 and answer the question:

• What were the ducks doing inside the house?

• What are the Gregg family eating? And why is it so difficult?

• The ducks are pointing at the Gregg family with their guns. Mr Gregg cries and says something about his family. What?

 Read page 48-57 and answer the questions:

• How did they feel when everything was back to normal again?

• What was Mr Gregg doing in the garden?

• What was Mrs Gregg doing in the garden?



Read page 58 – 62 and answer the questions: 

• What was Philip and William doing in the garden?

• Why did they change their family name to Egg?

• Their bath tub was full of feathers. Why?

• The Coopers started shooting. What happened to the girl?


What would you do if you had a magic finger?

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The magic finger – facts





P´s and Q`s =  Mind your manners

able = kapabel

spelling =  stavning, förhäxad/förtrolla

chirruped – kvittrade

sobbed – snyftade

quite – ganska

keep –  fortsätta

we’ve  ( we have) –  vi har

lost –  förlorat

afraid – rädd

enough – tillräckligt

slug – snigel

leaves – löv

hopping back  – hoppar bakåt

throw – kasta

effort – insats

scatter – sprida

towards – mot